Giorgio Schumann - Cookie Policy

On this site we use cookies. These are small text files recorded locally in the temporary memory of the browser, and then in your computer, for varying periods of time depending on the need. By means of cookies, information about your preferences and other technical data - which allow easier navigation and greater usability of the site - are recorded in a semi-permanent way.

Cookie Types

On this site we use only :

Statistic Cookies
These cookies allow us to know how visitors use the site, so to be able to evaluate and improve the performance and favor the production of content that best meets the information needs of our users. For example, allow us to know which pages are most and least popular. Take into account the number of visitors, time spent on the site by the average user and the mode of arrival of these. In this way, you can know what works well and what needs to be improved, as well as make sure that the pages load quickly and all is ok. All information gathered by these cookies is anonymous and not linked to personal information. To perform these functions our sites use third-party services (like Google Analytics) that make data anonymous, making them not traced back to individual users.

Cookie Management

You can manage cookies and deactivate them by working on your browser settings in use bearing in mind that some disabled cookies may make all or some features of the site unusable or modify the delivery of them. To know how to manage cookies you can refer to one of the following links of the most popular browsers:

Consent to Use of Cookies

Consent to the use of cookies, both technical and third party is notified with a short information (banner) visible at the top of every page of the website whose acceptance is given by pressing the "I AGREE" button or continuation navigation on the website.

Law Reference

This privacy policy was prepared in fulfillment of the obligations under Art. 10 of the Directive n. 95/46 / EC and with the provisions of Directive 2002/58 / EC, as updated by Directive 2009/136 / EC, with regard to Cookies. For all your requirements please contact us by sending an email to: giorgio.schumann [at]
For more information on "Cookies and privacy" we refer to the website of the Privacy: